September 27, 2012

2 Months?!?

CoCo here, ready to re-enter the blogosphere.

Now I knew it had been a while since we last updated, but two months?? En serio??? Well... yo confieso that I have no good excuse. It's por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa. Time to get back in the habit.

While I was busy not blogging, I was enjoying the summer with my boo. I'll use this post to fill you in.

The end of July was the beginning of our "Quintessential [Northern] California Vacation", as one of my colleagues called it. We started off by visiting the beach town of Santa Cruz. Surprisingly, Franco had never been and I was excited to introduce him to one of my childhood loves. We ate at great restaurants (Saturn Cafe, Cafe Brasil), hung out at the boardwalk (rides and the imperial circus from China and more rides and salt water taffy and more rides - I was a giddy kid again), and played some fun games (mini golf! bowling!). It was a very chill trip and we really enjoyed ourselves. The perfect way to start a vacation.

Next up was Lake Tahoe. We're lucky because my grandparents have a cabin on the North Shore, so off we went to Grandma Gloria's Bed & Breakfast. I know most people visit Tahoe in the winter but I love it in the summer. I look forward to lazily lying on the beach all day. I got plenty of sunbathing in, and Franco even convinced me to hit a trail. 

From Tahoe, we drove to Yosemite. Neither of us had been and we were extremely excited to visit. Since we were driving from the lake, we drove through Nevada and into the park from the east. I was kind of dreading the drive because it was going to be long and I didn't know what to expect, but it was beautiful. Of course, Yosemite was amazingly beautiful as well (believe the hype). We spent time in Tuolumne Meadows and Yosemite Valley hiking and swimming and taking in the natural beauty. The photos really are nothing to compare to the real thing. I'm already thinking about our next visit.

After our vacation, it was back to the grind. However, we did manage to fit in good food, the outdoors, and another trip to Tahoe in the next month. And we watched our mini porch garden bloom. All in all, it was a great summer. The best thing is, we have another one coming. Get ready for Indian Summer!!!